Tag Archives: Insurance
Who Needs Insurance?
The easiest answer to this question is ‘everyone’. Individuals and businesses must be insured to have protection from financial losses.
Insurance – the Best Investment
Getting insurance, whether life, health, property, or business, is surely a wise move. You are not only protecting yourself and your properties but also earning a sound amount of income for a long period of time. If you get a life insurance policy, you will also be getting returns at a particular time or within … Continue reading
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Before they established workers’ compensation, employees had to take their case to court so that they could get paid for damages. So, before your interview, make sure to ask your employer if they have workers’ compensation insurance.
What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?
Normally, states are consistent with the types of benefits workers’ compensation should provide. These are the following: 1. Disability 2. Medical Coverage 3. Death 4. Disability 5. Rehabilitation